Thursday, November 6, 2008

Charlotte Mason Basics starting tomorrow

Charlotte Maria Shaw Mason

Beginning tomorrow on my blog, Fridays will be a day to learn about the basics of a Charlotte Mason education, with a guilt-free twist for the modern homeschooling mom! I hope it will encourage you as you offer your children a fabulous education in your home. Charlotte Mason-style homeschooling is very do-able and a wonderfully natural way to learn. The only problem is that many moms continually guilt themselves into believing they fall short and often feel discouraged. No more!

Tomorrow we will jump in with narration, which is the best educational tool available for you in your home. It is simple, it is free and it offers an endless wealth of opportunity to you and your children.

In the meantime, I encourage you to check out this worthy post on banishing guilt from your life.

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Christine~
    I wanted to come and say hi! I'm not homeschool this year,but I will be by to check out your Friday Charlotte Mason post!

    I will see you tomorrow...oh Great picture on your header! The bike is a great touch of reality!!!! LOL Giggle! :')

    Peace and Blessings,
